r– ——- (—- The New Year new hopes and resolutions. M ake resolution. You have often thought Sketch. Stars 1924 by !earning  » how.’ Everybody with a sincere desire to draw can quickly !cari to rnake charactcr- – Goodfui Sketches by the happy study of « d’eh Press Art School `. Nature  » Training. There can be no more pleasurable__…., pastime chan Drawing. The follow- ez,,,,, ing comment from one of my › former Pupils Me drew clin cheery  » Bobby ) ndicates chat Sketchin ,./•9 is profiwit,too. –. « 1 have Leen very busy M hastis st ” month or sc getting drawings ready  » for the Christmas ‘m’abers. Made  » Iwo visits to louai ami saki about d  » dozen drawings each lime. » If you would like to draw, write for cny FREE ILL’D PROSPECTUS describing bessons for t. raw 13e• gPupilsinne r ‘; via, ond tliiicutgr Instruction bilas., ftoor „Advancedraw i ac k the Technique Zki.estt’o’ri or long Courses can be arranged to mecs the particular needs of individual Pupils, and to touer special branches of work as well as ;encrai comprehen-sive Training. Send me a copy of Ulis Pupil’s Sketch or an original Drawmg (preferred), for a helpful Criticisrn as well as the Prospectus, free. A post-tard atone will brin; you the Prospectus. Write to me personally : Percy V. Bradshaw, PRESS ART SCHOOL, eirFo,.„7L, ! — one w orth-while you’d like to ‘ • . ‘ , 4e ,—,’, ,,,-_— ‘ –, …„’ , il ze , –,-.- . ., oe,,,,/ , iee ‘ j -,,,,, – —–. y ., ‘,/, 1  », ‘//1///: /, ,,,’I • ‘ / , e – , , Principal, 12)3 @ • e Essentially an , Artist’s Pencil.the For t minutent detail of Drawing or the broadest renderinq of Shades no Pencil f can equal the Venus The !argent selling Quality Pencil z- t.. in the World. , / „ ,,,’.: .%, -‘—- /,—-/ »— • 17 Blacklead gradations, 6B softest , to gH hardent and medium and !lard copying. From ail Stationers and Artists’ Material Dealers, Id. each. Write for Sample — stase grade required. Miss E. ELLIN CARTER ART LEATI IERWORKER Gold and S.Iver Medallist. Exhibitor, Par, Salon and London Caskets, Covers, Cases and Bags of every description suitable for Gifts and Presentations. Work may be seen on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. 3 S cratford Court, Gees Court, Oxford St., V. 1 ALFRED BELL & C? L’ • Tille • , ‘Ir t Prdilishi’rs ABC • ABC a el 6 OLD BOND ST., LONDON, W. 1 WOLFFS 0061 2oweeen%. [0., , , pas Per1C11S’  » _:. ‘ ‘..,—,- .4 THE , N.  » »-,,,, ° ‘ FINEST t. »  », e , – -›%,,,.,) e e — PE N CIL , -.:.  » I, THE ,• »’.1.:Y &,,,s’ , WORLD D. Price .l Each BRIT ISH MADE. ON THE MOR KING OF CHRISTS NATIVIT Y Milton’s Hymn with six hitherto linpublished Drawings byWILLIAM BLAKE. Edited by Geoffrey L. Keynes, F.R.C.S. Demy alto. This new edition of Milton’s hymn is notable on account of the illustrations by Blake, which, together with lis portrait of Milton, are reproduced for the first cime. The ordinary edition is bound in quarter cloth, with sides of gold and black I talian paper. 12s. 6d. net. Limit:d Edition all sold. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS FETTER LANE, LONDON, F.C., C. F. CLAY, Manager AD. X