PREFATORY NOTE REVIVALS in Art spring from a sense of disquietude concerning the ;ycxisting order of things ; they are the strivings after truer and nobler ideals. The efforts made to this end are sometimes encumbered by false issues, but there is never lacking in them some element of right which will be recognised and supported by those who have a keen and real interest in the advancement of human culture. That there is much of genuine value in the present-day Austrian revival is apparent to all those who take more than a superficial interest in the subject, and some effort has been made in the following pages to select from the various branches of art a few representative examples illustrative of the new movement. The Editor desires to express his thanks to those artists who have kindly assisted him by allowing their work to be reproduced, and to Herr Hofrat Koch, Herr F. Tempsky, The Miethke Gallery of Fine Arts and The Modern Gallery, Vienna, The Wiener Werkstaette, Messrs. Redlich & Berger, Messrs. Gilhofer & Ranschburg, Messrs. Gerlach & Wiedling, Messrs. Anton Schroll & Co., and the various firms who have permitted their copyright designs to appear in this volume.