THE STUDIO EDI I ED I3Y GEOFFREY HOLME CONTEN7S FOR JANUARY, 1924 PAGE FERDINAND HODLER. 13y Horace Taylor .•. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• E. A. WALTON, P.R.S.W., R.S.A., MEMORIAL EXHIBITION AT GLASGOW. By E. A. Taylor 10 THE EMBROIDERERS’ GUILD EXHIBITION. By E. Ruth Rayner … 17 SPECULATIONS BEFORE PICTURES LUCAS CRANACH. By Arthur Symons 23 SCULPTURE EN TAILLE DIRECTE. PART 1. By Kineton Parkes 24  » MOOR CLOSE  » GARDEN, BiNFIELD … 28 NOTES : London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dublin, Newcastle – upon – « Tyne, Paris, Philadelphia, Tokyo, Bruges, Vienna, Milan, Monza, South Africa, Moscow … 32 THE LAY FIGURE: On Misplaced Enthusiasm . . SUPPLEMEC■CTS FERDINAND HODLER.  » The Woodoutter  » FERDINAND HODLER.  » The Lake of Thun, from Leissigen • E. A. WALTON, P.R.S.W., R.S.A.  » Eagerheart »… DOROTHY LARCHER.  » Merlin and Vivien  » EARLY JAPANESE FAN … VIOLET OAKLEY. « The Slave-skip Ransomed » Fronlispiece 11 19 . 33 . 37 NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS.-The Editor will always be glad to con,id•r any articles, drawings, etc., that may be submitted to him for publication, and every effort will bu made to return in dut courte rejected MSS., and ail drawings, etc., rejected or accepted; but under no circumstances can he hoid himself responsible for the sale custody or return thereof. Stamps for return shouid alwlys be sent, and the naine and address of the sender clearly written on every MS., drawing, etc. THE Book OF KEL!-3 SECOND IMPRESSION The Book ofKells With about hifty Illustrations in Colours Price 30s. net THE BOOK OF KELLS has been described bv Professor Westwood as  » the most beautiful book in the world. » Those who have seen and studied the consummate beauty of this gem of Celtic manuscript, its rich and subtle colouring, its arnazingly intricate and gorgeons designs, its quaint portraiture, and bold, legible text, are not to question this description. The last attempt to reproduce in colours pages of this unique and wonderful book was made nearly forty vears ago. Since then photography and colon, reproduction have made such rapid advances towards accuracy that, with the permission of the Authorities of Trinity College, Dublin, the Editor of Titi: STUDIO has issued a volume in which the rnost beautiful and important pages and many of the wonderful initiais of the Book of Relis have been reproduced in colours. For artists, and par-ticularly for designers, the Book of Kells has proved a fruitful source of inspiration ; indeed, to ail interested in art in any form this masterpiece of illuminated manuscript is a household word. The letterpress by Sir Edward Sullivan, Bart., is of absorbing interest. Offices of ‘THE STUDIO, 44 Leicester Sq., W.C.2