323 CIRCULAR LEAD BAS-RELIEF OF THE RENAISSANCE FLEMISH, LATE 16TH CENTURY Commemorating the league of the Netherlands; three men in armour, clasping hands, in an interior of Doric architecture. To the right and left allegorical figures and putti. Diameter, 7 inches From the Spitzer legacies. 324 CIRCULAR LEAD BAS-RELIEF OF THE RENAISSANCE FLEMISH, LATE 16TH CENTURY With a group of mercenaries in picturesque attire gathered before the wall of a fortified town. Diameter, 7 inches From the Spitzer legacies. 325 CIRCULAR LEAD BAS-RELIEF OF THE RENAISSANCE FLEMISH, LATE 16TH CENTURY Depicting the siege of a town, the foreground with men in armour carrying swords and muskets; background with an outline of a forti-fied town. Diameter, 7 inches From the Spitzer legacies. 326 CIRCULAR LEAD BAS-RELIEF OF THE RENAISSANCE FLEMISH, LATE 16TH CENTURY With an incident from the revoit of the Netherlands. In the back the coach of the Spanish governor, convoyed by mercenaries. Diameter, 7 inches From the Spitzer legacies. 327 CIRCULAR LEAD BAS-RELIEF OF THE RENAISSANCE FLEMISH, LATE 16TH CENTURY A remarkably fine plaquette in rather high relief, depicting Alexander and the women of Darius. Occupied by a multitude of equestrian figures in Roman armour, others in oriental garb and the women in the costume of the Renaissance. Background of tents and the town. Diameter, 6 inches From the Spitzer legacies. 328 CIRCULAR LEAD BAS-RELIEF OF THE RENAISSANCE FLEMISH, DATED 1569 With the story of King Philip of Macedonia. An extraordinary plaquette of great sculptural interest, King Philip in Roman armour on horseback and his warriors on foot. Background of architecture and a harbor filled with sailing ships. On a rock the date 1569 and the initiais H. C. Diameter, 63/4, inches From the Spitzer legacies. 127