OBJECTS OF GILDED BRONZE NUMBERS 133-154 [133] [134] [134A] 133 CASSOLETTE OF GILDED BRONZE FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY A globular vessel or nut to burn aromatic pastilles, ajouré with Gothic triangles and palmettes and with rings for suspension. Small objects like these were used to perfume the air, suspended in rooms and even from the canopies of beds. Size, 21/2 inches Mentioned in inventories of Gabrielle D’Estree and Catherine de Medici. From the Spitzer legacies. Inventory No. 3926. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 134 JEWELLER’S SCALE OF GILDED BRONZE HISPANO-MORESQUE, 15TH CENTURY The stem crowned by heraldic animal grotesque, the weight ajouré with foliation, the tray also elaborately pierced and with tracery. From the Spitzer legacies. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 49